ICRR: Quality Improvement Initiatives
At ICRR, we measure up!
Please note this aspect of the registry is completely voluntary, confidential and non-judgmental. Consider this an invitation by ICRR’s User sub-committee into a collaborative learning community! We look forward to dialogue and activity to augment CR quality with the ICRR community. We are also available to speak individually with sites about questions or concerns, and solicit ideas to support you as needed.
As one of the benefits of participating in ICRR, we have focused topics to support you in quality improvement activities, as per: https://globalcardiacrehab.com/resources/Documents/ICRR_QI%20plan_v1-2.pdf. We analyze ICRR data and invite input from the ICRR community to determine the topics.
Please find here a brief video with an overview of “What is Quality Improvement” for a CR audience by ICCPR’s AACVPR representative Anne Gavic-Ott, MPA, RCEP, MAACVPR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stfcpqW91DM
You can also find some information along with worksheets here: https://www.ihi.org/resources/Pages/Tools/Quality-Improvement-Essentials-Toolkit.aspx
And information about CR-specific quality here: https://globalcardiacrehab.com/CR-Standard/Core-Components-&-Quality-Indicators
While we are considering a specific topic, ICRR site stewards are invited to informal 1-hour “QI implementation chat” webmeetings to discuss:
Based on the realities at your program and the goals of your team, please consider the below areas for potential quality improvement activities at your centre.
TOPIC: Engaging Women in our Programs (Early 2023)
Webinar: https://youtu.be/jAZpsO_Wnck
Resources for programs: https://globalcardiacrehab.com/Women-Focused-CR-CPG
TOPIC: Reducing Barriers and Increasing Dose (Late 2023)
Webinar: https://youtu.be/vPcjf4-PCNs
Resources for programs:
TOPIC: Improving Patient Education to Increase Knowledge and Self-Management (Early 2024)
Webinar: https://youtu.be/UkstGzA8_Y8
Resources for programs: https://www.healtheuniversity.ca/en/cardiaccollege/Pages/default.aspx
About the associationThe International Council of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (ICCPR) was created in 2010 to bring together associations dedicated to the promotion of cardiovascular disease prevention and cardiac rehabilitation globally. Named Board member from each associations serve on our Council, which meets quarterly. ICCPR is an Associate International Member of the World Heart Federation. |
Copyright © 2010 International Council of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (ICCPR). All Rights Reserved.