International CR Registry (ICRR)
The goal of the ICRR is to enable assessment of cardiac rehabilitation (CR) quality in low-resource settings, with the aim of ultimately improving patient outcomes. Access and equity will be paramount considerations.
The protocol has been approved by a research ethics committee. Click here to view this document.
The registry protocol is registered here: (see ID #NCT04676100)
Funding: Qatar and York (Canada) Universities. The funders play no role in the design or conduct of the ICRR.
First ICRR Report (2022): Please see the many successes achieved in ICRR’s first year, and the incredible outcomes of patients in ICRR-participating CR programs. We measure up! Click here to read the report.
ICRR Governance
As per the ICRR organizational chart (see below), the ICCR Steering Committee shall be led by an Executive Committee. The co-chairs of the ICRR Executive Committee are Drs. Sherry Grace (ICCPR Past-Chair, Canada) & Karam Turk-Adawi (ICCPR Friend, Qatar).
The steering committee shall be comprised of CR experts from all regions of the globe (6). Members will represent the diversity of disciplines delivering CR. Expertise incorporated includes: policy-making/ implementation science, registries (e.g., best practices, technology, privacy) and research (e.g., open data sharing, epidemiology, health informatics). The patient voice shall be represented in ICRR governance (user group). All members must be committed to upholding ICCPR’s mission, as outlined in our Charter.
As shown below, the steering committee will have 2 regularly-meeting sub-committees (user sub-committee & research), with an ad-hoc group comprised of representatives of other willing CR registries internationally (liaison; Note it is not the intention of ICRR that programs in countries with established registries join the ICRR, but we aim to support programs in countries without established CR registries. By working with our CR registry partners, we can promote best practices, share resources, and harmonize our efforts.
The remit of the ICRR Steering Committee includes: oversight, budget, initial development and launch, sustainability, and ethics/privacy/security. The ICRR Exec will lead these activities with input and approval from the Steering Committee. The steering committee terms of references are available here. Data quality is foremost.
The remit of the user sub-committee is to engage sites to join the registry and support on-boarding, liaise with users for training and to optimize data quality, and provide an avenue for feedback by users for registry improvement. The user group shall also work with interested programs to improve CR quality where low. The user group shall hold a virtual meeting annually with participating programs to report on data quality, benchmarking, among other items of business. The user group shall communicate and support all participating programs shall changes be made to the registry. The sub-committee terms of references are available here.
The research group administers policies with regard to research data access and dissemination. Their remit includes data management (including liaising with user sub-committee regarding data quality improvement), data access (see data application form), publications and presentations, and research program administration. The research committee oversees reports and ultimately consider sharing data open access (pending privacy/ security approvals). The sub-committee terms of references are available here.
Founding Co-Chairs: Drs. Sherry Grace and Karam Turk-Adawi
Steering Committee Members
User sub-committee members: Gabriela Ghisi (co-chair, on-boarding), Dion Candelaria (co-chair, quality improvement), Rajkumar Mascreen (patient partner), Priya Chockalingam (South East Asia).
Research sub-committee members: Maria Jose Oliveros (Americas), Martin Heine (chair; Africa / Europe), Francisco Lopez Jimenez (Americas), Ariany Marques (data quality co-chair; Americas), Lilian Mbau (knowledge user; Africa).
For more information or to get involved, contact the ICRR Secretary at
About the associationThe International Council of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (ICCPR) was created in 2010 to bring together associations dedicated to the promotion of cardiovascular disease prevention and cardiac rehabilitation globally. A named Board member from each association serves on our Council, which meets quarterly. ICCPR is an Associate International Member of the World Heart Federation. |
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