2025/26 Audit Update
Dear ICCPR Community members: Under the leadership of Drs. Gabriela Ghisi, Karam Turk-Adawi and Sherry Grace, ICCPR is undertaking a 2025-2026 update of the Global CR Audit. The survey has been updated from the initial 2016 version, which had also been finalized based on input from the global CR community. Find the draft Audit Update survey here . We invite your input by December 11th to GlobalCRAudit@gmail.com. Are we asking the right questions? Are questions clear? Are they applicable in your setting? Can we delete some extraneous questions to reduce respondent burden? Are there important issues we have overlooked? More details will be forthcoming when data collection begins. Pressing questions about the Global CR Audit Update can be directed to the same Gmail address above. |
About the associationThe International Council of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (ICCPR) was created in 2010 to bring together associations dedicated to the promotion of cardiovascular disease prevention and cardiac rehabilitation globally. A named Board member from each association serves on our Council, which meets quarterly. ICCPR is an Associate International Member of the World Heart Federation. |
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