2025/26 Audit Update
Dear ICCPR Community members: Under the leadership of Drs. Gabriela Ghisi, Sherry Grace, Carley O’Neill, and Karam Turk-Adawi, ICCPR is undertaking a 2025-2026 update of the Global CR Audit. The survey has been updated from the initial 2016 version, based on input from the global CR community. Find the Audit Update survey here. The protocol can be found here. We are grateful to Qatar and York Universities for funding. This will support free ICCPR clinician certification for programs that complete the Audit survey. Questions related to this project can be directed to: GlobalCRAudit@gmail.com ICCPR is delighted the following CR-related associations are formally partnering in the Global Audit Update: - ACROSS; India, Pakistan & Bangladesh: Affordable Cardiac Rehabilitation: An Outreach Inter-disciplinary Strategic Study - Africa: Association Francophone de Cardiologie Préventive - Argentina: The Exercise Cardiology Committee of FAC (Federación Argentina de Cardiologia) - Australia: Australian Cardiovascular Health and Rehabilitation Association (ACRA) - Canada: Canadian Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (CACPR) - Chile: Sociedad de Kinesiología en Cardiología (SOCKICAR) - Colombia: Colombian Cardiology Society's CR working group - Costa Rica: Asociacion Costarricense de Cardiología (ASOCAR)
- Cuba: Cuban Society CR / Latin American Council for CR Prevention & Rehabilitation - India: The Society of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (SOCVPR) - Mexico: La Sociedad Mexicana para el Cuidado del Corazón (SOMECCOR) - New Zealand: Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand - NZCPR (New Zealand Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation Group) - Senegal: Working Group of Cardiac Rehabilitation of the Senegalese Society of Cardiology - South Korea: Korean Academy of CardioPulmonary Rehabilitation Medicine - Taiwan: Taiwan Academy of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation - Uruguay: Inter- American CR WG & Sociedad Uruguaya de Cardiología |
About the associationThe International Council of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (ICCPR) was created in 2010 to bring together associations dedicated to the promotion of cardiovascular disease prevention and cardiac rehabilitation globally. A named Board member from each association serves on our Council, which meets quarterly. ICCPR is an Associate International Member of the World Heart Federation. |
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