Dear Cardiac Rehabilitation Colleague:
We would like to introduce ICCPR’s new CR Program Email Distribution List, through which we aim to disseminate information about Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation directly to interested programs globally.
Given there are not CR societies in every country globally who could be ICCPR members and hence hear about the latest CR information, ICCPR has recently approved a policy to reach out to individual CR program contacts to share information in support of our mission as outlined in our Charter. It shall serve as a mechanism to distribute time-sensitive announcements and information to CR programs globally. This is to complement the meeting information we share amongst our national/regional cardiac member association representatives and “friends” (in countries without cardiac associations) through email, as well as to the CR community at large on our website and through our social media channels (Facebook, Twitter and YouTube; we would welcome you to “follow” us).
All communications will be vetted by ICCPR’s Secretary to ensure they meet with the policy, and frequency of emails shall be limited. The emails in the list will not be shared with any external parties.
If you would like to be part of this email distribution list, please subscribe below by sharing your email address. You will have the opportunity to unsubscribe from this list in every received email.
You are welcome to share this information with other programs in case they are interested in signing up. Anyone can sign up for the email list by accessing our website or emailing us directly.
If you have any questions about this list, or if you have feedback or suggested information to share, you can contact us directly at If you would like to share something through the distribution list, please see the procedure on how to make such requests through the policy link above.
About the associationThe International Council of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (ICCPR) was created in 2010 to bring together associations dedicated to the promotion of cardiovascular disease prevention and cardiac rehabilitation globally. Named Board member from each associations serve on our Council, which meets quarterly. ICCPR is an Associate International Member of the World Heart Federation. |
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